Friday, February 4, 2011

February 4, 2011

Well this was our third snow day of the week. So the count ended up as 2 days at work, 3 days with the monkey. Such a strange week, but the snow was definitely prettier to look at today. After a fussy day and a half, little man was in a great mood today. He actually slept until a little after 7AM! I couldn't believe it. Usually he wakes up between 4:30a - 5:30a for a bottle and then sleeps until 6:30-7:30a, but he slept all the way through to 7a this morning. It was awesome. Of course I still got up at 5a, but I was able to get back to sleep easily. THEN, he took his morning nap with no fuss and slept for 2 HOURS. Again, not the norm at all for that little dude. It was pretty nice, and he obviously needed it because when he woke up, he was ready to PAR-TAY and we had a blast.
He played in his exersaucer for about an hour while I cleaned and organized some things around the house. We played together with his toys and he hung out with J in the "man cave" for a while as well. J was taking him through his playlist on the computer, so there was some Ozzy, GnR and Ohno education going on back there. I got a lot done today, cleaned the kitchen, did laundry, organized G's clothes and pulled out the stuff that doesn't fit, put some gifts together for a couple of baby showers next weekend, cleaned the living and dining room - not bad. We have people coming over for fights tomorrow night and it was nice to be ahead of the game with the cleaning, etc. Gage watched me and gave me big smiles while I ran around. We put on one of the Baby Einstein DVD's he got for Christmas and he really liked it - Baby Mozart. It was a nice break from Brainy Baby, which is the show we DVR that he has watched forever. I'm a little tired of those same episodes, so I welcomed the new entertainment option.
Because his schedule was a little off today, our bedtime stuff started a little later, but it worked out well. He got to play on his mat while I cleaned his room and J came in to play with him a little before bed time. J has been helping him with his crawling and they had a pretty good time. He's ALMOST figured out the full on crawl, but he's still working with his army crawl technique. He is pretty damn mobile. Now I can't just put him on his mat - I have to really pay attention to where he is because if I blink for 5 seconds, he's 3 feet from where I left him.
We had a great day today and it was a welcome change from the fussy kiddo we had with us yesterday. That kid's smiles make our whole day.

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